在填表的过程中,申请人应注意以下几点: 1. 所有资料必须真实可靠; 2. 所有答案均应如实回答,不要留空; 3. 当填写表格遇到难题时,请咨询签证顾问或咨询使馆网站; 4. 应使用英文大写字母和正规信纸书写全部文件和附件(护照、身份证等复印件请用A4白纸复印); 5. 请仔细核对打印出来的申请表是否有误;如用电脑填写,请务必用黑色或蓝黑色的笔完整地打印下来并亲笔签名;如有修改请划去原来的内容后再签上正确的名字并用蓝色或蓝黑色的钢笔、签字笔确认; 6. 如果您是团体申请人中的一员(包括夫妻团),请在“Applicant Details”一栏中用“/”符号分开填上全团每一位成员的信息,同时请将全团的身份证复印件及其他文件统一放在一个信封内。
一、基本资料(第1项至第9项为必填项目, 第10项和第11项视乎不同情况而定) Applicant's Personal Detail: 个人详细资料
a) Full name (in English, without titles): 全名(英文不用冠词): 例如 Zhang San, not Mr. / Miss / Mrs. ZHANG SAN b) Date of birth (day/month/year):出生日期(月/日/年) e.g. 3 January, 1980 c) Sex: 性别 d) Nationality: 国籍 e) Occupation : 职业 f) Home Address in HK & PRC and contact telephone number at home: 在港及内地住址和家电话 g) Contact Telephone Number: 电话 h) Email address: 电邮地址 i) Passport serial no., issued date and expiry date of the current passport : 护照号码,签发日期及有效的期限 j) Are you applying for a new passport? Yes or No : 是或否 k) If yes, why do you need another one? Please state clearly: 如果是的话,为什么需要新的一本呢,请说明清楚 l) Will your present passport be valid on arrival in Mainland China? Yes or No : 是或否 m) If yes, how long will it remain valid after entering mainland China? 请注明 n) Any other information that may assist with processing this application such as whether previous visit to Hong Kong was by air or by sea, details of spouse included in the same visa application etc.?
二、家庭成员关系(注意以下每部分均须提交相应文件的复印件): Relative’s Basic Information:亲属的基本资料 Applicant's Spouse& Children: 申请人配偶和小孩
a) Relationship between Applicant and each member of his family:申请人与每位家庭成员的关系(例如父/母/兄/弟/姊/妹...) b) Name, sex, DOB and citizenship in full:全名称、性别、生日以及公民身份(例如小明,男,一九九零年五月三日生,中国) c) Whether married to applicant before arriving in HKSAR:是否已婚人士 Before Marriage After Marriage 注: ①未婚者填Before Marriage,已婚者填After Marriage;②此栏须根据申请人实际情况填"Yes"或"No";③如果未结婚但以同居形式生活一年以上亦要填"Yes"④此栏不须附上证明文件 d) Present whereabouts and occupation: 现居住地点及职业 e) How many times have they been to Hong Kong previously? In which year:以往到香港多少次,哪一年 Fiancée: 未婚夫/妻 Details of fiancée including signature:未婚夫/妻的资料 Signatures: 未婚夫/妻的签名 f) Full names and relationship with the applicant of all children under 18 years