在美国拿到化学PhD之后,一般来说会有三种出路: 继续做Chemistry相关研究(10%),这个就不详细讲了,一般是从读研就开始做的,继续读博是一种延续; 去做其它方向的研究(25%),可能你会问,那这35%的人是怎么找到工作的呢?其实这部分人主要去做了两种工作,一种是大公司做pre-product的化学研究,这种岗位一般是需要很强实验技能和对新产品做出预测的,所以要求也会比较高,另一种就是去做非盈利性机构的科研,比如DOE National Lab、LBL等,这些机构虽然不直接提供工资,但会有补助,而且对于身份也更容易解决;
PhD in chemistry is a good degree. You might be interested to know how much it will cost you as an international student + the tuition fee and what's your expected salary with this PhD. Let me tell about my experience at UC San Diego (UCSD), where I have studied for Master of Science Degree(MSc)in Chemistry from January 2013 to May 2014 under the sponsorship of Fulbright Scholarship And then got another MSc in Materials Science and Engineering in August 2016 after finishing MS in December 2015.
In general, there are two kinds of Phd programs that students can choose to earn their doctoral degrees. One kind is called “full-time” or “on-campus” which is on the same university campus all day everyday till they finish the program, but sometimes you need to work extra hours to complete research project by yourself(so if you like working hard and love being super busy, maybe this one is best for you!); Another option is doing full-course loads, so you do not need to stay overnight in school, just go home right after class every day.This would make life more convenient especially when commuting~~ Or you can study half time, live part of the year overseas, take classes in the USA(maybe even online course!), and still graduate with the Phd degree! All these options depend on each school’s regulations.