American College Computer Science 108 (36% out of 325) Top American colleges for computer science are: Harvey Mudd, Caltech and Stanford. In the past four years there have been almost as many women in computing as men: 497 vs 429. 42% of the entering class at Harvard this fall is made up of international students from more than 50 countries. The most popular foreign country has got to be China – 170 students came from that nation alone!
The percentage of African-American freshmen was down a bit from last year(10.5%) but it's pretty hard to ignore given all the attention being paid to race on campus these days——in contrast to the rest of the US where people seem to prefer not talking about racial issues. Only 8% of white students identify themselves as “non-Caucasian”; 7% are Hispanic; while 1% are multiracial。
In terms of SAT scores, only 21% of the incoming class had scores high enough to get them into their top choice school ——with an average score of 1500 out of 1600. High school classes were also very competitive with just over half the students enrolled in honors/AP classes——and less than 10% took part in community service.
You know how kids growing up nowadays think they can do anything? Well, you can thank our schools for that! We are raising a generation of children who don’t believe they need to work hard because someone else will make sure they succeed——it's called equality, folks. And yes, we are equally responsible if things go wrong.